
What is Taurine?


Taurine plays an important role and can be found abundantly in healthy bodies. Unfortunately, most modern diets often lack adequate amounts of Taurine. As a key ingredient in the TriSTILL formulation, Taurine acts as a brain cellular hydrator providing hydration to where the body needs it most – the brain.

With the popularity of energy drinks with high caffeine content, Taurine can often be labeled the villain – which is both unfounded and untrue. There are however reports of inferior or contaminated Taurine available in the market place resulting in these reports being hyped out of context. We have a long-established supplier network and stringent selection process which provides only the highest quality certified pharmaceutical-grade Taurine for all TriSTILL products.

Some of the best-known benefits of Taurine may include:

  • Promoting cellular regeneration, especially in the nerves, heart muscle, and liver
  • Assisting with brain hydration
  • Resulting in longevity when higher than average quantities are consumed (such as on Japan’s famous “Island of Longevity”)
  • Lessening the effects of diabetes and obesity in humans
  • Strengthening heart muscle cells, extending their life span, and protecting them from damage, while reducing many of the factors that produce atherosclerosis and its deadly consequences
  • Protecting retinal and inner ear cells from damage, normalising the flow of calcium ions they require for proper function, and
  • Playing a role in preventing epileptic seizures and liver disease, two conditions that can be attributed to toxic effects on delicate tissue

Brain Hydration assits with the absorption of trimesemine

Stabilised Mesembrine extract
Blood Brain Absorption
Scientific Resources
Taurine and Osmoregulation
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration
nor has this product been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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